Yesterday, after scrambling through files, trying to gather the receipts, the notes, the documents my tax accountant will need, I was frazzled and feeling very inadequate to the task. I can be organized, if I’m clear what the pieces of the puzzle are, but this little fledgling business is sporadic, at this point, so there’s not a steady process yet.
The good news is that one hundred decks have sold without my doing any sort of marketing or advertising. This has happened by word of mouth, which is the best way, and I’m grateful for how its progressing.
But yesterday, being confronted with my lack of business organization, I felt a brief shower of shame wash over me just long enough to re-commit to having someone help me set-up a system. By the time the sun was setting, I grabbed a glass of wine to relax in my living room and pulled a card. Usually, if I’m going to pull a card for the day I do it in the morning, but I’d moved straight into task mode yesterday, and I was curious what might be revealed even late as it was.
I drew this card and laughed out loud, much of the angst falling away. “Of course!” I thought, trying to organize the aspects of my business (currently but a trickle, that may build into a steady stream in the future) is like struggling to learn a very different language! I am in a creative flow most of the time, as I now work on the second novel in my series, The Seed Songs. My days are punctuated with walks with friends, mundane errands, household tasks, and playing music to cleanse my palette for writing – but for much of my time, I flit and flow as the muse dictates.
That is a very different mindset and orientation from what it takes to run and track business sales and set up corporate documents. That’s a language with a structure and syntax that my mind has trouble grasping. After speaking with the receptionist at my tax guy’s office, apparently most of us feel this way, though. Okay, I guess I’m not so alone in this! Well, clearly I need to learn this foreign language enough for basic competency, so I will, very soon, seek out some assistance in this regard.
I expect there are quite a few of you, dear readers, who feel similarly about taxes and business tracking. This particular card has been drawn quite a bit lately (by others I was doing readings for). It has most often highlighted differences in how two people experience the world and the challenge to communicate with each other. But coming up yesterday as it did, provided a new aspect that seemed worthy of sharing.