About Nancy

Welcome to My World of Wonder!

Since childhood, I gravitated to art and writing. These skills were always informed by a sensitive, intuitive nature and fed by a curiosity for what was influencing everything beyond what could be seen. As a youngster, I had a particularly puzzling experience, a vision that showed me that humanity didn’t really understand its role on Earth.  Only in retrospect, is it clear that the vision directed me to my life path, and prepared me to seize the educational opportunities and chances for world-wide travel that came later.

Aware that change begins with me, I have a long track record of choices that have honed me intuitively, intellectually, artistically, and spiritually. I’ve navigated over 2400 miles aboard a sailboat, co-owned an award-winning vocational school business, volunteered in India teaching children over a five-month period, and visited 36 countries over the course of my life. As a witness to expanding globalization, serious environmental degradation, and troubling trends that have been building into the massive wave of change we’re in now, two long-term creative projects emerged, both featured on this website.

I have felt this fractured and turbulent time coming for at least twenty years and began developing the oracle deck and the novel as a way to respond and inspire. It is time to prepare ourselves for the next evolutionary jump. I’ve begun to see numerous tendrils of human evolutionary potential shining through, as perhaps you have. The novel series speaks to this opportunity in imaginal form and the oracle deck is a tool for personal growth and deepening inquiry.

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