Welcome to My World of Wonder!


Since childhood, I gravitated to art and writing. These skills were always informed by a sensitive, intuitive nature and fed by a curiosity for what was influencing everything beyond what could be seen. As a youngster, I had a particularly puzzling experience, a vision that showed me that humanity didn’t really understand its role on Earth.  Only in retrospect, is it clear that the vision directed me to my life path, and prepared me to seize the educational opportunities and chances for world-wide travel that came later.

The Seed Songs Novel Series

What if your dreams were psychic instruction, sending you on an epic journey that might prevent the collapse of your entire civilization? This is what happens to Mellinar, a reluctant teenager, who subsequently is sent back from another solar system to Earth to fulfill an ancient, enigmatic prophecy. She returns to her star federation accompanied by a mysterious shape-shifting mentor and a young male Earthling whose fate is linked with hers.  They must avoid detection by ruthless members of the ruling class, while visiting diverse star ships as they attempt to shift the balance of power in a new, more promising direction. Along the way they discover rogue ships and plots for revolution.


The Traveler Deck is a passport, of sorts. It names and highlights many of the passages you may go through on a life voyage. As an oracle, it is a tool that can show you potential portals through various borders of consciousness. It can help unlock doors of denial, identify aspects of personality that may need support or re-direction, or provide encouragement and a sense of direction. The Traveler Deck can be used to enhance your personal capacity and grace under the pressures of life.

No matter what culture you’re from, everyone experiences fear, joy, challenge, developmental stages, choices, dreams, denials, disappointments, inspirations, confusion, clarity, love, hope and triumph. The value of art and imagery is that it can communicate about that deep human commonality. So it is in this context that the Traveler Deck has something to offer. The imagery is archetypal, offering many interpretations and explorations that can be personally relevant and meaningful.

My Most Recent Blog Post:

Vibrum Book Two of the Seed Songs


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